Thursday, February 24, 2011

5th project idea...

For my fifth project HCCSA is working on putting together "farmer pages" for all of the farmers that contribute to the growing seasons with the CSA. There will be a farmer bio, blog, list of things they grow, photos of them at their farm, and quotes from them. This will be a place on the web where possible buyers and contributors will go to meet the people growing their food and get more  of a personal experience from HCCSA. They have about 25 different farmers so, they want a different web page for each farmer. It will be a good challenge to not make each page look the same, and to make each page have a different personality. I also want to design a recipe book for HCCSA to use as another way of making profit. They send out news letters, and each news letter has a different recipe in it. This recipe book would be a collection of all of the published recipes. I would develop a design system for the book and make it something that would be useful.

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